
Cover your hay the safe way!

Our Story

our-storyInventor of the HAY CAP covers Phil Snowden & wife Lynda have been farming in the Riverina, Australia since 1990. They operate a mixed irrigated & dryland farming business specialising in irrigated lucerne & cereal hay production.

Phil is an honest, hardworking, innovative farmer who thinks outside the square. He is not afraid to question “traditional” farming methods, and experiment with new ideas.

Phil & Lynda are in farming for the long haul and their commitment is evident being foundation members of both the Fullers Road Landcare Group & the Australian Fodder Industry Association. Phil is a big advocate for the irrigation industry and long term productivity of the Riverina.

HAY CAP covers are “something we wished we had thought of 10 or 15 years ago” says Phil. “We would have saved ourselves a lot of hassle with tarping our extra hay in good seasons we haven’t got the shed space for. You need very calm weather to put a tarpaulin over a stack, and there are real safety issues, but the Hay Cap overcomes all those issues because it can be placed on the bale at ground level and the bale can be placed on top of the stack”.

“In 2012 on our farm we sold the 4000 bales of oaten hay from 2010 season with minimal losses. All this hay was covered with Hay Caps. Not only did we have 910mm of rain over the 15 months but also a mouse plague. Apart from one stack of hay that floodwaters went through we have sold every one of those bales.”

The HAY CAP covers are manufactured on our farm with extensive storage facilities ready for distribution directly to the customer.

For more information or to place an order please call 1800 HAY CAP (that’s 1800 429 227)

Hay Cap Pty Ltd

Fullers Road
Tocumwal, NSW 2714


1800 HAY CAP




Hay Making with Hay Caps
Click to see our new Demo Video


How to put on a Hay Cap



Winner of ABC's
The New Inventors
Episode 15
shown on 15 May, 2009
